Monday, October 17, 2011

Screens in Two Towns

Alas, made good progress in Tides of Destiny (don't want to call it ToD because that means Death in German!) this weekend, but not much progress with the TT guides. I did want to share my ideas about the screens though because I want to publish your Fish and Insects information in a guide as well as foraging screen by screen. So here are my ideas:

Mountain Area:
There are nine screens in the Mountain Area that separates Bluebell Village from Konohana Village. It takes a total of 40 minutes to run on foot from one village sign to the other.
The screen closest to each Village will be designated as the Outlying Area. In other words, the section closest to Konohana is the Konohana Outlying Area and that closest to Bluebell Village is the Bluebell Outlying Area. In these two screens, you will be able to hear the Village Music and there will be no Items to collect in either.
Numerical designations will be:
E1: Konohana Outlying Area.
E2: Konohana Shallows
E3: Waterfall Screen
Centre: Mountaintop Screen
W3: Three Footbridges Screen
W2: Bluebell Shallows
W1: Bluebell Outlying Area
The centre screen is the Mountaintop Screen. The Mountaintop is the venue for the Festivals, such as the Cooking Festival, in which both Villages participate. The Goddess Spring is located here.
There are two screens where you can hand-fish in shallow water. One is directly east of Bluebell Village. The other is directly west of Konohana Village. The one closest to Bluebell will be designated as Bluebell Shallows and the one closest to Konohana as Konohana Shallows.
On the Konohana Shallows screen, there are two secret foraging locations in the form of a stand of Bamboo and a hollow tree stump. Wild Animals found on this screen include: Brown Ferret, White duckling, Drake, Monkey, Panda, Wild Boar
Some of the large Wild Animals, including the Boar and Bears, move from screen to screen. The smaller animals tend to stay on one screen.
Foraged Items:
Tree Stump: Weed, Branch, Stone, Honeycomb,
Bamboo Stand: Weed, Branch, Chamomile, Brown Mushroom
On the ground: Weed, Bamboo, Bamboo Shoots, Poison Mushroom,
Insects: Piggyback Locust, Scarce Large Blue, Spiked Locust, Dirt Grasshopper,
Hand-Fishing: Old Ball, Small Funa, Small Char, Killifish, Small Crab, Crab, Small Trout
Waterfall Screen, E3
This Screen has many paths, including one that goes beneath the Stone bridge to the heart of the Waterfall. Behind the Waterfall is the entrance to a Mine where one can find Ores as well as Wildflowers and other Items.
Once on the other side of the river, Freya discovers that she can walk under that bridge. There is fishing here using a fishing pole. There are rocks one can jump across to get to the other side of the river
Wild Animals include: Brown Monkey, Sparrow, Fox, White Monkey
Mine Entrance: Honeycomb, Scrap Metal, Weed, Branch, Mint, Ore Stone, Copper Ore, Magic Blue Flower
On the ground: Bamboo, Bamboo Shoots, Weeds, Stone, Branch,
On the trees: Honeycomb,
Insects: Swallowtail Butterfly, Longheaded Locust, Small White Butterfly,
Bouncy Mushroom on this Screen
Section Four: Gorgeous Vista on the right.
A slide takes Freya down to the river. A rock in the middle of the river allows Freya to jump across it to the other side where a fishing pier is found.
Animals: White baby duck, Mouse, Black Pig, Cardinal,
Tree Stump: Rocks, Magic Blue Flower, Weed, Mint,
Insects: Cornered Cricket, Cricket, Kutsuwa Katydid
On the Ground: Branch, Bamboo Shoots,
Mountaintop Screen, Centre:
Guard rails mark the trail. Festivals are held in this part of the mountain, and it appears as though a romantic interlude or two might also be had here. The Owl Pick up Service is opposite the festival grounds. The Harvest Goddess Srping is also in this area. From here, the mountain trail begins to take a downward turn towards BlueBell. There appears to be nothing to forage in this section nor animals to view.
Triple Wooden Footbridges Screen, W3:
On the Ground: Moondrop Flower, Magic Blue Flower, Chamomile, Rocks, Weeds, Mint,
On the Trees: Honeycomb,
Animals: Mouse, Brown Rabbit, White Fox, Brown Bear,
Insects: Hira Grasshopper, Kobane Grasshopper,
Fishing: From a pier.
Diving: Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Mint
Oracle Sanctuary Screen:
At the Oracle's House: I've never seen writing like this before...
Inside of Rotting tree: Bamboo, Shiitake, Brown Mushroom, Chamomile, Branch,
Insects: Cricket, Nymph Butterfly,
On the Ground: Chamomile, Mint,
Animals: White Mouse, Brown Fox, Sparrow,
Bluebell Shallows Screen, W2:
Here you will find two separate tiered stair paths, one leading north and the other leading south. If you go up three grassy steps, you will find a wooden footbridge as well as a rabbit and a golden cat?. Go down to the main path again by means of a shute or slide.
From the main path, you could choose to go down tiered grassy steps to the Shallows. Here you will find a hollow log that sometimes is inhabited by a large brown bear but often is empty. To the right of the log is a tree stump where you can forage for Items.
Tree Stump: Weeds, Rocks, Walnut,
On the ground: Chamomile, Weeds, Rocks, Branch,
On the Cliff Side: Stone
Animals: Monkey, White Baby Duck, White Bunny, Drake, White Baby Duck, Brown Bear (which, incidentally, head butted Freya so that she nearly passed out),
Insects: Eastern Locust, Longheaded Locust, Swallowtail Butterfly,
Under Wooden Foot Bridge (use slide to get there): Brown Mushroom,
Fishing: Old Boot,
Bluebell Outlying Area, W1:
Nothing to forage.

Screen W1:
Screen W2: Hand-fishing Bluebell
Pale CLoud Yellow on northern steps, Small White on top tier, Long-headed Locust on top, Eastern Locust
Cleft in the cliff on the top tier north, Weeds
Spotted Locust on main path
Screen W3: Three wooden footbridges
Nymph butterfly
Mountaintop Screen: Centre
Screen E3: go down a slide to get to the river, fishing pier on the left (west) bank, reached by jumping over rock and log, to the far right of the screen is a stump , return to main path via bouncy mushroom
Screen E2: handfishing Konohana
Screen E1

Let me know what you think. Your work is incorporated in this, as you will recognise... but I didn't edit it fully or make all the descriptions conform to one another or to my names for the screens.


  1. this is great! i guess you are using e and w for east and west....what do you think of k1, k2 or b1 b2 to make it more clear? also, aren't there a total of nine screens? four up, four down, and one in the middle? i'm rushed for time right now or i'd check it.

    is this private? between you and i? i hope to get a chance to speak with you before leaving.

  2. Yes, well...I have a question. Why can't i see the candidates for marriages' heart in 2D for DS?

  3. It's confusing... I don't suppose you can include a diagram or picture of some sort can you? It would be a great help!
